Herbal Medicine Courses In Algarve With International Teachers
Farida Sharan
Self Healing Workshop
Herbal Medicine Inner Ecology Explorations
Elements of Life Embodiment Teachings
Enhanced Student Iris Analysis
Melilotus Herb Farm, Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
Friday 4th May 7pm for Earth Element Movement Process
Saturday 5th May to Tuesday 8th May 2018

WISDOM ELDER, Naturopathic Natural Physician, Evolutionary Educator, Author, Mystic Yoga Teacher, Worldwide Retreat and Integrated Immersion leader offering School of Natural Medicine embodiment truth teaching to sincere students seeking health, wellness and healing to become authentic living examples, and inspiring practitioners and teachers.
She is the Founder and Director of Pure Health School of Natural Medicine in Boulder, Colorado USA (1988-2016) and School of Natural Medicine International in Cambridge, England (1979 -present).
Visit Farida's website visit https://purehealth.com/
Enroll and receive a gift of Farida Sharan's ebooks: Herbs of Grace – Becoming Independently Healthy & Dance With Cancer - Living the Mystery of Life & Death
SELF HEALING begins daily with a dynamic 7 am morning Tea & Iridology interactive workshop to inspire self healing of each student. As we move through further morning and afternoon classes we explore healing modalities and processes including self reflexology, emotional healing, creating herbal programs, iris analysis, practical naturopathy herbal treatments and integrating cleansing and transitional healing diet programs, all in relation to each student's optimum health options.
Every class is about each person and everyone learns from everyone else's process.
Farida's students love the Self Healing Immersion because it moves their life forward.
Every herbalist needs further tools to enhance their teas, tinctures, salves, formulas.
Farida's teachings involve Mystic Yoga Weaving of the experiential wisdom of the Chakras Emotions & Elements of Life – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether – of our Inner Ecology of emotions and their relationship to our senses of smelling, tasting, seeing, touching, speaking and listening, to our physical body and organ systems and the outer ecology of the nature that sustains us with herbs, plant foods and
vibrational medicines such as essential oils, flower essences and homeopathy.
The Elements of Life are an honoured part of all systems of medicine from the beginning of time except for modern scientific medicine.
The irises of the eye are windows of body, emotions, mind and spirit that reveal on all levels of being the heredity of strengths and weaknesses, emotional response processes and life potential. Iridology analysis gifts inspirational educational self knowledge.
Each student learns about their irises and the relationship of their unique patterns to herbal medicine. Bring magnifying lights and 10x magnifiers, yoga mats, soft dance or sweat pants, footless tights and warm layers and shawls for our movement processes.
These teachings form the foundation of ancient Naturopathy wisdom merged with epigenetic science to awaken our potential of the temple of our living spirit!
ELEMENTS OF LIFE EMBODIMENT TEACHINGS (scheduled for Sat 5th, Sun 6th, Mon 7th and Tues 8th May)
Farida recommends clothing choices to contribute color energetics for each morning – Saturday earth red,Sunday water orange, Monday fire yellow, Tuesday both air green and ether turquoise. Also bring yoga mats and shawls and blankets for our early morning sessions. Morning movement processes begin after breakfast each day.
Four Day Block Fri 4th 7pm - Tues 8th May 1pm with Farida Sharan
Includes Iridology and Inner Ecology Weekend Workshop Fri 4th 7pm till Sun 6th May and all 4 Elemental Dances (mornings of Mon 7th & Tues 8th May), all food and accommodation from Fri 4th night until Tues 8th breakfast inclusive 325 euros or if camping or campervan 285 euros.
**Does not include Local Plants Herb Walk and Medicine Making with Fernanda Botelho on Mon 7th or Plant Communication with Mugwort with Maureen on Tues 8th - for that you need the Whole 4 day Block 1 which includes everything and costs 400 euros or 320 with camping/campervan.
**Farida will be available for individual consultation on Mon 7th and Tues 8th after class and Wednesday 9th. Sessions last 1hr+ and include a treatment programme emailed afterwards. Cost is £100 cash. Please book in advance.
***Also Farida is offering 10% off the online courses choices on https://purehealth.com/enroll/
To pay online, your payment will be for £325 to offset paypal and currency exchange charges.