Herbal Medicine Courses In Algarve With International Teachers
The Cosmos of Herbs
On-line Course & Mentorship by Maureen Robertson MSc MNIMH
Registration Open throughout the year
**Special 20% Discount Offer for Portuguese Nationals & Portuguese Students!**
(To book scroll down to bottom of page). Contact us for dates of live zoom classes

::The Cosmic Connection of Plants::
Planetary Ruler-ship of Herbs :: Archetypal & Elemental Patterns of Med Plants :: Intro to Medical Astrology :: Herbal Energetics & Therapeutics ::

Follow the flow of the Cosmos through the "Yliaster" or "Forests of Stars" to discover the Cosmic Connection of plants to their Eternal Essence in the Cosmos.
:: Course Structure ::
6 Modules over 6 Months. Each module is made up of video recordings, 6 Live 2 hour Q&A zoom class, 6 Live 3 hour Plant Studies, course handouts & reading lists, posted herb tea to taste & seeds to grow. You are encouraged to undertake your own Personal Plant Project (supported by Maureen) + option to share your findings within the group.
"In this moment I become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing...I see all."

Foundation Module 1. Intuitive Plant Communication
Following Goethe's quest for "Nature's Holy Open Secret", we embark on his 7 step method that reveals the Inner Principle of how a living being manifests itself the way it does - we find ourselves in conversation with the Essential Nature of a plant. We see how the outer appearance is governed by an inner principle 'Idea' of the plant which leads to the revelation of their unique qualities of healing and beauty.
"To find yourself in the Infinite, you must first differentiate and then combine." Goethe

Module 2. Earth Element, Root Medicine, the Foundations of Medical Astrology & the Archetypal Forces of the Planet Saturn and their influences on Plants and People.
We look at the qualities of the Earth Element and the Planet Saturn, which parts of the body they govern as well as the medicinal plants which are ruled by Saturn.
You will receive and be able to taste directly one of these herbs to illustrate all the qualities of above and to share your impressions during the Q&A session to elucidate what constitutional type of person and which conditions could benefit from the Saturnine qualities of the herb.
"Pan doth be in the land, he and the wild woods are a part of one another".
Tom Robbins
Jitterbug Perfume
*Pan, a Satyre & Elemental Being is associated wth the Planet Saturn

Module 3. Water Element, Stem & Leaf Medicine, the Archetypal forces of the Planet Venus & the Moon and their influences on Plants and People.
We look at the qualities of the Water Element, the Moon & Planet Venus, which parts of the body they govern as well as the medicinal plants containing relaxing, cooling and moistening constituents which are ruled by the Moon and Venus.
You will receive and be able to taste directly one of these herbs to illustrate all the qualities of above and to share your impressions during the Q&A session to elucidate what constitutional type of person and which conditions could benefit from Venusian or Lunar qualities of the herb.
"The entire Universe is conceived as such a thing (the Yliaster - Forests and Stars)."

Module 4. Air Element, Leaf Medicine, the Archetypal Forces of the Planet Mercury and their influences on Plants and People.
We look at the qualities of the Air Element and the Planet Mercury, which parts of the body they govern as well as the medicinal plants which are ruled by Mercury.
You will receive and be able to taste directly one of these herbs to illustrate all the qualities of above and to share your impressions during the Q&A session to elucidate what constitutional type of person and which conditions could benefit from the Mercurial qualities of the herb.
"You cannot understand Nature until you can recreate Her within yourself."

Module 5. Fire Element, Flower Medicine, the Archetypal Forces of the Sun & Planet Mars and their influences on Plants and People.
We look at the qualities of the Fire Element, the Sun & Planet Mars, which parts of the body they govern as well as the warming and drying medicinal plants which are ruled by the Sun and Mars.
You will receive and be able to taste directly one of these herbs to illustrate all the qualities of above and to share your impressions during the Q&A session to elucidate what constitutional type of person and which conditions could benefit from the Solar or Martian qualities of the herb.
"Just as, when you look into the eyes of another human being you get a glimpse of their soul...so also when you look deeply into the heart of a flower you get a glimpse into the soul of the earth."
Rudolf Steiner

Module 6. Ether Element, Seed Medicine, the Archetypal Forces of the Planet Jupiter and their influences on Plants and People.
We look at the qualities of the Ether Element, the
Planet Jupiter, which parts of the body they govern as well as the warming and moistening medicinal plants which are ruled by Jupiter.
You will receive and be able to taste directly one of these herbs to illustrate all the qualities of above and to share your impressions during the Q&A session to elucidate what constitutional type of person and which conditions could benefit from Jovian qualities of the herb.
"Whatever appears in the world must divide if it is to appear at all. What has divided seeks itself again, can return to itself and reunite... In the reunion of the intensified halves it will produce a third thing, something new, higher, unexpected."

Testimonials - what our on-line students say:
"I was so fortunate to complete a month of online learning with Maureen and Jose during our lockdown this year. We were not able to do the training live but I know how privileged I am to have joined the Herbal Path in such a unique and special way. I’m so lucky they were adaptable and made it possible. It was an experiment to see if it could be done but an experience that has transformed my relationship with plants and provided endless subject matter for my Art making. I enjoyed the format and being able to discover the local environment and feedback my findings was a really fun way to explore. Maureen’s knowledge is extensive and delivered with passion and enthusiasm. Our sessions were an hour long and I would often wish they were longer. I could listen to her for hours and hours. I love learning online while being comfortable in my home. An inspiring Woman and Teacher. My virtual apprenticeship was magical and will standout as this years highlight. I'm so grateful Maureen is providing online offerings it means I can continue my Herbal Path with her where ever I am. Thank you Maureen and Jose I’m looking forward to more and more and more..."
Natasha UK/Portugal Sept 2020
"Maureen is incredibly knowledgeable in so many different areas of the plant world along with life in general. I loved taking part of her wisdom. While she speaks and shares I feel as if she is manifesting, expressing and weaving the threads between the many different realms of life. From the very material, scientific and tangible to the more abstract areas beyond our consciousness.
It was a real privilege to have Maureen's guidance during that one month over the internet. The plant study and the sessions/lessons were all such a beautiful experience. It is clear that she has spent a whole lot of time together with and in the study of plants, both in themselves and in relation to humans.
I am wishing and looking forward to continuing my plant journey with Maureen as a guide and mentor."
Nellie Sweden Oct 2020
“To see a world in a grain of sand.
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.
And eternity in an hour.”
William Blake

Course & Mentorship Fees
Each Module cost £125 or £100 for Portuguese Nationals & Students in Portugal and includes:
posted out herb teas to taste and seeds to sow,
almost 30 hours of on line videos, including classes and practical medicine making demos.
course handout material with 20 lessons & reading list,
6 x 2 hour Live Zoom Q&A session + Recording,
6 x 3 hour Live Plant Study Afternoons + Recording,
over 40 hours of plant study recordings,
individual support from Maureen as you undertake your Personal Plant Project.
**Module one is required to be able to access Modules 2-6 as the information provided in Module 1 is applied to our study of the plants in the subsequent Modules.
Entire 6 Module Course costs £675 (10% discount of £75) or
£600 Special offer discount for Portuguese Nationals & Students in Portugal.
All 6 Modules course content are available on demand once you register. If you are paying by installments, we will agree a date per month to make your payments.
We think you will find this course mind blowing (it is literally taking you out of this world!) If for any reason, you feel it is not for you, a full refund will be given up to 14 days of access to the course.